The 2k Row Challenge is simply a challenge to improve the endurance of the row, as well as the technique, in turn,
decreasing your 2k row time in the process. To kick off the 2k Row Challenge, you will perform a 2k Row. During this time DO NOT “sandbag” this test and not try your best; we want you to do your best! You will have both October 4 & 5 to
complete your 2k Row. During the bulk of the challenge (Oct. 6-Oct. 27) there will be three sessions per week, with a gradual increase of meters rowed each new week. The sessions per week will be performed as follows:
? Week 1 – Day 1: 250m Day 2: 500m Day 3: 750m
? Week 2 – Day 1: 500m Day 2: 750m Day 3: 1000m
•October Row Flyer
? Week 3 – Day 1: 750m Day 2: 1000m Day 3: 1500m
? Week 4 – Day 1: 1000m Day 2: 1500m Day 3: 2000m
Upon completion of each session, have a Wellness Staff Member verify and sign your card. If a Wellness Staff Member is not there upon completion, take a picture and show a Staff Member to be verified. Perform each session with the
intention to better yourself will end up with a good result. So stick with it best you can and give it your all!October Row Flyer