Author Archives: Blake Perkins

2023 September Pull-Up Challenge

March 2023 Sit-Up Challenge

The Sit-Up Challenge is made to test the endurance of your sit-ups as well as build them over the month of March. Not only will this challenge improve you physically but mentally as well, by testing your discipline to stay on task during the month of March (March 6 – March 31). Each day during […]

February Heart Health Challenge

Beast Of The Southeast 2023

Who will be the Next Beast of The Southeast? -WANTED – • Someone who is strong • Someone who likes to move heavy objects • Someone who is up for a challenge • Someone who is a BEAST Are you up for the challenge??? If its YES sign up today at following link: Who […]

New Year New Me 2023

January 2023 squat challenge

October Row Challenge 2022

June Lunge Challenge 2022

Choctaw Classic 2022

October 2021 2k challlenge