Summer Body Fit Challange

Summer Body Fit Challange

Summer Body Fit Challenge

Let’s work on getting those summer bodies ready for the lake or beach with the summer body fit challenge.

This challenge is an 8 week challenge June 3, 2019 – July 29, 2019 and will be scored on total weight lost, fat mass lost, body fat % lost, lean body mass gained, and Vo2 max improvements on a 2k row. (Points will be deducted for lean body mass lost)

Point system:
1 point per LBS of total weight lost

1 point per LBS of fat mass lost

1 point per % of body fat lost

1 point per LBS of lean body mass gained

½ point per point of Vo2 max improvement (if the member can carry on a conversation while rowing, then they are NOT giving it their best effort!! Dramatic increases due to slow pulling your row will be disqualified)

1st place choice of wireless ear buds or $50 amazon gift card

2nd place whatever first doesn’t choose

3rd place Wellness Center T-shirt