September Pull Up Challenge 2019
September Pull Up Challenge
What is the Pull Up challenge?
• The purpose of the Pull Up challenge is either help you achieve your first strict pull up or improve upon strength you possess at the current time. As usual, we will start with a pretest of your maximum repetitions you are able to complete unbroken on the 3rd and 4th of September. During this time we are assessing if we are capable of completing strict pull ups; if not, the movement will need to be modified to your current level. When done correctly you will gain a good, strong base and create a growing foundation to achieve a pull up. Once this has been completed, you have the actual challenge itself starting September 5th through September 25th. Be consistent and intentional with every session and you will improve. Remember, even if you improve by an inch, YOU HAVE IMPROVED. Trust the process and keep moving forward. September 26th and 27th are set aside for the post-test. Give it your all during this time. There are many different modifications and tools for improving your pull up get with a fitness specialist to find one that works best for you. To add on from there, make sure that whichever one that is chosen you stick with that one throughout the process. DO NOT BOUNCE AROUND FROM THING TO THING. It will take away the necessary progressive “building” we are trying to create.
• Repetition Scheme
We are looking to build your pull ups or build up to your first pull up ever. So this is what type of program we will follow during this time.
You will take your max reps of the pull up or modification you did and divide it in half. You will then each session perform 3 sets of 50% of your max pull up. Each week following you will add 1 rep on your session. For example if you achieve 10 pullups..
WK 1: S1:3×5 S2: 3×5 S3(OPT): 3×5
WK 2: S1:3×6 S2: 3×6 S3(OPT): 3×6
WK 3: S1:3×7 S2: 3×7 S3(OPT): 3×7
WK 4: S1:3×8 S2: 3×8 S3(OPT): 3×8
The Pull up Challenge includes:
• Pre-test (assess pull up/modification through maximum repetitions)
• Pull up sessions per week (rules are located above)
• Post-test (re-assess pull up/modification through maximum repetitions)
Goals for the challenge:
• Improve strength of the pull up.
• Improve stamina of pull up.
• Learn Proper pull mechanics.
Dates to remember:
• September 3rd & September 4th (Pre-test)
• September 5th – September 25th (Pull-up Challenge)
• September 26th & September 27th (Post-test)
Things to know:
• Get with Wellness Staff by Wednesday, September 4th and choose a plan to follow as well as complete your Pre-test.
• Wellness Staff will give you a Pull up challenge card (keep up with your card). WS will sign each day that you complete your session of pull ups. (At your convenience, dates have been assigned for each day on your card).
• You will be responsible if you cannot attend the gym that day, to video your pullups for that day and either post it to the Choctaw Wellness or Choctaw CrossFit facebook pages or show to WS to be verified and signed off. (It must be WS)
• Post-tests can be completed on Thursday, September 26th or Friday September 27th .
If you complete (8/8) you will receive 15 Well Bucks! If you complete (6/8) you will receive 8 Well Bucks! If you complete (12/8) 20 Well Bucks! So, if you want those Well Bucks, be consistent!