May 2019 Push up Challenge
May Progressive Pushup Challenge
What is the push up challenge?
The Push up challenge is an incentive to improve the efficiency and stamina of our pushups. It will occur during the month of May, and it may look familiar to you. If it does, you were right! We did this last March. We will be repeating this challenge as to gauge your progression over the last year. That is if you worked on them during this last year. You will take your Pre-test Thursday, May 2nd ,or Friday, May 3rd. You have the option to choose the pushup (or one of its modifications) and will test max repetitions for what variation is chosen. Depending on how many repetitions of pushups you complete you will be put into levels. Each level will have you starting at a certain number which will begin Monday, May 6th. Every day you will add 1 Pushup each day. If at any point you reach a number you cannot complete, you will take that number, decrease it by 3, and continue adding 1 pushup a day. (For example: Jane starts at Level 2 (5 pushups) on Monday, May 6th, Tuesday she will add 1 and do 6, then the following Wednesday she will complete 7. Let’s say she gets to 11 and cannot complete 12, she will decrease that number by 3 and complete 9 the next day). You will follow this pattern for the month of March until Thursday, May 30th and Friday, May 31st when you will complete your post-test again for maximum repetitions.
• Level 1 – If you complete 1-5 pushups, you will start with 1 pushup.
• Level 2 – If you complete 6-10 pushups, you will start with 5 pushups
• Level 3 – If you complete 11-15 pushups, you will start with 10 pushups.
• Level 4 – If you complete 16-20 pushups, you will start with 15 pushups.
• Level 5 – If you compete 21-25 pushups, you will start with 20 pushups.
The Pushup Challenge includes:
? Pre-test (pushup for maximum repetitions)
? Progressive pushups per day (rules are located above)
? Post-test (pushups for maximum repetitions)
Goals for the challenge:
? Improve efficiency of the pushup.
? Improve overall strength and stamina of the pushup or its modifications.
? To point out the points of performance of the pushup.
Dates to remember:
? May 2nd & May 3rd (Pre-test)
? May 6th – May 29th (Progressive Pushup Challenge)
? May 30th & May 31st (Post-test)
Things to know:
? Get with a coach by Friday, May 3rd and choose a pushup variation as well as complete your Pre-test.
? A Wellness Staff Member (WSM) will give you a Pushup challenge card (keep up with your card). WSM will sign each day that you complete your pushups. (At your convenience, dates have been assigned for each day on your card).
? You will be responsible if you cannot attend the gym that day, to video your pushups for that day and either post it to the Choctaw Wellness or Choctaw CrossFit facebook pages or show to a WSM to be verified and signed off. (It must be a WSM)
? Post-tests can be completed on Thursday, May 30th or Friday, May 31st.
? If you complete 100% (18/18) you will receive 15 Well Bucks! If you complete (16/18) you will receive 8 Well Bucks!
? Good Luck and have Fun!